
Rich Brian, a popular rapper, singer & songwriter from Indonesia, launched a project to get creators to edit his music video for the single ‘Love in My Pocket’.This music video was my version. For this project, I was only provided the footage of Rich Brian singing the song in front of a green screen. The rest of the direction, production and editing was my own.


To start off, I listened to the song and immediately thought the video should have a ‘retro’ aesthetic to match the vibe of the song. As such, i decided that all the visuals would mimic old VHS/camcorder footage to invoke a sense of nostalgia. I then proceeded to cull through many open-source video archives to identify video footage that fit the song as well as the aesthetics I was looking for. Last but not least, I then organized and arranged the footage in a sequence that would fit well and then began the video editing process.


I feel the final video stayed true to the vibe of the song while also using the sourced content to build a nostagic/retro product that enhanced the listeners’ experience. The entire project took roughly 5 days to complete and I am very happy with the result. I thoroughly enjoyed both the conceptual and technical aspects of this project and look forward to editing more video content soon!



Develop and edit a music video for Rich Brian's single 'Love in My Pocket' using stock footage.

Open Project
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